Hi there! I’m Richi, currently a doctoral researcher at IAS-8 of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH and the Data Science group of the Statistics Department of LMU Munich and member of the HDS-LEE graduate school under the supervision of Hanno Scharr, Katharina Nöh and David Rügamer working on uncertainty-aware live-cell imaging. I visited Vincent Fortuin’s ELPIS group at Helmholtz Munich as a HIDA Trainee in Spring 2024.
I did my bachelor’s thesis under the supervision of Monika Henzinger and Christian Schulz on random walk algorithms for maximal matching in dynamic graphs. I did my master’s thesis on hyperparameter optimization for Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms using Bayesian optimization under the supervision of Katharina Nöh, Fredrik Jadebeck and Christoph Dellago.
Not to brag, but my first ever publication immediately got me an Erdős number of 4, which I doubt I’ll be able to beat in the future: Me 🡒 Monika Henzinger 🡒 Bob Tarjan 🡒 Fan Chung 🡒 Paul Erdős.
In my work, I deal with uncertainty-aware analysis of microscope cell image sequences, mostly gathered from microfluidic experiments. Techniques and topics I am interested in involve Bayesian neural networks, Bayesian inference, stochastic processes, some graph theory, sampling algorithms and numerical methods.
If you’re a fellow researcher, feel free to reach out for cooperations or just to talk about common interests.
If you’re a motivated master’s student and searching for a thesis project, please contact me. We are usually able to offer a small remuneration for your work.
Email address: r.{last-name}@fz-juelich.de
Tracking one-in-a-million: Large-scale benchmark for microbial single-cell tracking with experiment-aware robustness metrics
J Seiffarth, L Blöbaum, RD Paul, N Friederich, AJ Yamachui Sitcheu, R Mikut, H Scharr, A Grünberger, K Nöh
9th Workshop for BioImage Computing @ ECCV, 2024
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Parameter-efficient Bayesian Neural Networks for Uncertainty-aware Depth Estimation
RD Paul, A Quercia, V Fortuin, H Scharr, K Nöh
Extended Abstract at 3rd Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision @ ECCV, 2024
Robust Approximate Characterization of Single-Cell Heterogeneity in Microbial Growth
RD Paul, J Seiffarth, H Scharr, K Nöh
21st International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), 2024
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hopsy - a methods marketplace for convex polytope sampling in Python
RD Paul, JF Jadebeck, A Stratmann, W Wiechert, K Nöh
Bioinformatics, 2024
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Optimization of Advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with Applications to Biological Systems
RD Paul
Master’s thesis, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH & University of Vienna, 2022
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Dynamic Matching Algorithms in Practice
M Henzinger, S Khan, RD Paul, C Schulz
28th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2020), 2020
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Engineering Algorithms for Fully Dynamic Maximal Matching
RD Paul
Bachelor’s thesis, University of Vienna, 2018.
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